3 sneaky places to find website copy inspiration

copywriting website copy
White desktop with stack of books arts supplies plant glasses coffee and laptop in post about website copy inspiration

Looking for website copy inspiration? You don't have to look far! In this post, I'm sharing 3 (sneaky) places to find website copy inspiration and content ideas that'll connect with the clients and patients you most want to reach. 

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Find website copy inspiration on consultation calls
  3. Find website copy inspiration in your Comments
  4. Find website copy inspiration in your email replies
  5. Recommended resources
  6. Let's take action
  7. Share this post



Read on for 3 (sneaky) places to find copy inspiration:

1) Find website copy inspiration on consultation calls

You know that feeling when you’re chatting with a prospective client on a discovery or consultation call, and suddenly you think:

“I’ve heard this somewhere before.”

Then it hits you:

“Ah, right! On my most recent consultation call....”

...and the one before that, earlier this week.
...and the 3 before THAT, last Friday.


You’re one smart cookie, but it doesn’t take a genius to see what’s happening here:

You’ve got yourself a nice, juicy THEME.

A frustration.
Or a hope.
Or a seemingly random turn of phrase.

...echoed in the voices on the other end of all those calls.

And, friend, let me tell you:

That’s really good news.
β €
Themes that emerge from your initial contacts with clients are copywriting GOLD.

In your capable hands, those words have the power to transform your website (and email... and socials... and...) into genuine, focused connection FUEL.

So, answer me this:

Are you banking them?


  • Keep a notepad (/ notebook / note-taking receptacle of choice) handy wherever you camp out while you're on prospective client calls. As you're chatting, jot down any words or phrases that stand out to you, then either drop them in your copy bank on the spot OR set a reminder to do it by the end of the week. 


2) Find website copy inspiration in your Comments

When's the last time you cruised through the Comments section of your own content?

Maybe it's been a minute.
Maybe you're there now. (Hey, multi-tasker! Gimme your undivided for a sec, OK?)

Hopefully, you're taking the time to engage with the people commenting on your stuff.

But, are you also taking the time to record the copy insights you uncover there, beneath your Instagram captions, blog posts, podcast episodes, YouTube videos...?

Because, trust me:

You should be.

Barring the odd sprinkling of spam and fire-emoji responses, your Comments are a real window into the needs, frustrations, questions, goals, etc. of your dream clients.

I keep a steady flow of words, phrases, questions, requests, and screenshots from my Comments sections to my copy bank. I've found so many gems and surprises and inspiration-jackpots there, I can't even tell you.

I've truly lost count.    

There's often a tendency for us to view our copy bank as a starting point for generating content that connects with our people.

And that's a wonderful approach to take.

But, it's a two-way street. Don't overlook the copy inspiration your Comments sections can provide!


  • Skim through the Comments on your content, taking notes (+ screenshots) to add to your copy bank. Got a lot of content? Here are a few good places to start:
    • your most recent content
    • your content that's gotten the most engagement (i.e., likes, shares, saves)
    • your content that's gotten the deepest engagement (i.e., thoughtful comments)  

3) Find website copy inspiration in your email replies

...but not just any old email, mind you.

I'm talking about the one specific email I believe every health and wellness professional (and, in fact, every business owner on the planet) should be sending their subscribers.

I call it "the magic email" because, although it's quite simple to write (hooray!), it elegantly achieves 2 VERY important aims when it comes to reaching your audience:

  1. it gets them comfy with the idea that email is a place for actual, 2-way interaction with you
  2. it gets them to tell you EXACTLY what they need from you, like, right now

The magic email works like a charm and-- what's more-- its magic has no shelf life!

It lives on, no matter what else may be happening in the broader realm of online marketing.

Thanks to the magic email, I've never once scrambled to "come up with something to talk about"...

Never once doubted that my content will resonate with most (if not all) of the folks reading it...

Never once waffled over "the perfect words" to address my subscribers' current headache...


Because the magic email has done all the work FOR me.

It tells me what to talk about.
It tells me how to talk about it.
Heck, it even hands me the exact words to use!

So, what is this magic email?

Well, if you've subscribed to my email list (hint, hint ;) then you've already received it!  

It's the shortest email (by far!) in my welcome sequence, but honestly it could be even shorter! Because the magic all boils down to this 1 little question:

"How can I help you most right now?"

And if you're more the strong + silent type, you could even trim it down further:

"How can I help?"

That's it.

Just that 1 little question + a simple invitation to hit Reply + some extra reassurance that an actual human will be reading it = pure MAGIC.

It lands in my subscribers' inboxes.

The responses come in.

They get added to a simple tracking document that lives on my Google Drive.

From there, the doc gets mined for:

  1. themes that'll form the basis of my
    • content calendar
    • list of new paid offerings to create
  2. words + phrases to add to my copy bank

And to each response I receive, I respond as soon as I can.

The result?

  • My new subscribers learn to TRUST that I'm here + I actually care to support them.
  • I get a steady supply of input from the people on my list.
  • I use that input to create NEW content to support them

...which builds MORE trust in me + more willingness to engage with me.

See? Told you:



  • Stop what you're doing right this very second (wait, finish reading first...) and send your email subscribers The Magic Email. Then, as soon as you possibly can, add The Magic Email to your automated welcome sequence, so you can start collecting new subscribers' responses on auto-pilot. (Remember to create a simple document for tracking the responses you get!)   


Recommended resources 

Looking for more website copy inspiration? Check out these blog posts:


Let's take action!

Ready to take action on what you learned in this post? (I like your style!)

  1. Start a copy bank and start adding words, phrases, and other dream client insights to it on a regular basis!
  2. Sign up for the (FREE) #5DayAboutPage Challenge
  3. Looking for 1:1 support with your website copy? Learn more about my Copy Closure Sessions + see if one might be right for you!

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