How to get referrals (for FREE) in 2021

content marketing copywriting private practice
drmichaela michaela bucchianeri health and wellness copywriting how to get referrals for free in 2021

So, you want to encourage a steady stream of dreamy referrals to your practice but you've maxed out your marketing budget.

What's a business owner to do?

Today, I'm going to be sharing 3 places to focus your marketing efforts in order to send more of the right people your way... without spending a dime:


1) Start at home

...and by that, I mean: your digital home.

So, first, take stock of your online assets, wherever you're representing yourself online, currently.

This could be:

  • your website, if you have one
  • your LinkedIn bio
  • any social channels, etc.

Next, you want to review each one of these places you currently have an online presence, and ask yourself:

  1. Is it clear who I'm trying to attract?
  2. Am I communicating the benefits of what I offer (or is this more like a glorified
    resume or CV)?
  3. When someone lands here, could they sum up my specialty in a sentence?
  4. Am I showing up to this space consistently with valuable, free content of some kind?

The simplest and most powerful way to drive the right people to your business is to put the words on your existing online platforms to work for you now.

(And, hey! If you don't like your answers to those questions I just posed, pick 1 place to start improving your copy today!)

2) Be a good neighbor

When's the last time you reached out to your "neighbors" in business?

One of the best ways to expand your reach into new dream client pools is to engage with your natural professional allies and referral sources.

These are the people who serve your dream client, but in a different way than you do.

They might be addressing the same struggle, but the solution they provide is different from yours... and that's a good thing!

For example, let's say in your therapy practice. you help women navigate body image concerns that arise postpartum.

Your professional neighbors might include ObGyns and midwives.

But, you could also expand that circle further to include professionals like:

  • doulas
  • massage therapists
  • yoga instructors
  • lactation consultants
  • sleep coaches
  • health coaches
  • name it!

So, the first step is to figure out who these people are for you and your business.

Then, it's time to get out there and start being a good neighbor!

  1. Reach out via phone, email, or social media.
  2. Introduce yourself and share a bit about what you do.
  3. Ask about them what they do.

And-- VERY important:

Ask about what they're currently struggling with when it comes to helping their  clients and patients.

Listen carefully for a need that you might be able to meet and then offer them a simple solution to help make their lives easier.

For example, by listening to a personal trainer share her worry about new moms who tend to take her advice to unhealthy extremes, you could put together a simple little fact sheet, listing out some comments and behaviors that might signal a need for
psychological support!

The key here is to think practically and generously:

What's 1 simple way you can help your professional neighbors serve their clients and patients better?

It makes sense, right?

You're making their lives easier AND improving client care. So, don't be surprised if some of those professional neighbors end up being your most enthusiastic referral sources!

3) Look beyond your neighborhood

From guest blogging to social media collaborations, there are all kinds of opportunities to get your message out there and reach new potential clients and referral sources.

And, hands down, one of the best strategies right now is to pitch yourself as a podcast guest!

Podcast hosts are always looking for fresh content and once your interview goes live, it
lives on as continual, free publicity for you and your business!

Let's take action!

Here's your action step for today:

  • Choose 1 of the strategies above + start using it to generate your own dreamy referrals (for free!) today.

Cheering you on! 

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